Posts in New Testament
Matthew 23:16-22 (Hypocrisy)

Are you someone who can be trusted? Are your words and actions written in pencil or ink? Do you feel the need to make a hard sales pitch in order to make people believe in what you say, or do you receive the benefit of the doubt because your high countenance precedes your actions? These are a few simplistic, metaphorical ways of describing the point that Jesus is making to the scribes and Pharisees.

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Matthew 23:15 (Hypocrisy)

This passage is extremely intriguing to me because it directly addresses the topic of (what I personally refer to as) "Pharisaism" which I am extremely passionate about. In many instances, Pharisaism is virtually interchangeable with and more commonly referred to in our culture as "religion." I believe Pharisaism is perhaps the greatest detriment to Christianity and has caused those outside the church to repeatedly turn their backs on considering a personal relationship with Jesus.

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2 Timothy 4:2-5 (Readiness)

Christians are their own greatest asset to spreading the Good News of Christ and consequently their own worst enemy. Ultimately, we are held accountable to the very faith we publicly profess. If our doctrine is not pure and Biblically sound, it will collapse on all we have foolishly built our lives upon.

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Hebrews 4:12 (Conviction)

For longer than I care to admit, I have been going through life under my perceived knowledge and understanding of God's Word rather than through an exegetical study of what God actually says. Only recently have I realized how malnourished I have been in regards to a living and active relationship with Jesus Christ through His Word.

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