Posts in New Testament
James 4:1

We focus ridiculous amounts of time and energy debating preaching styles, song choices and dress codes for Sunday worship that are not doctrinal issues of great concern, while Biblical counseling, mentoring and discipleship, and caring for the homeless, widows and orphans (to name a few) are treated as peripheral areas of concern that are not as important in comparison.

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James 3:17-18

Wisdom requires belief in its source. And without saving faith, the wisdom of God is void of meaning. Wisdom forces us to reconcile what we believe about divine revelation and the inerrant entirety of Scripture. It also magnifies to what degree we submit to the authority of Christ, obey and apply the teachings of Scripture, rely on the convicting promptings of the Holy Spirit, and surrender our personal will.

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James 3:13

As we studied previously in chapter 1, James admonishes his brotherhood of believers that if anyone lacks wisdom they should ask God for it, and He will grant that request without reproach. But that request must be asked in faith to avoid doubt that undermines who we believe God to be.

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James 3:9-12

Consistency is one of the hardest spiritual disciplines to learn, because our flesh is constantly at war with the Spirit who dwells within us. The flesh seeks to please self often at the expense of others, which explains why cursing comes so naturally. Our ancestry also plays a role as we are descendants of Adam, prone to sin at will.

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James 3:6

James continues his exposition on taming the tongue by speaking candidly regarding the pure evil it contains. He does not shy away in the slightest, using strong language and claiming it is set on fire by hell. Yet I wonder what our immediate reaction is when we read this verse.

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James 3:3-5

At times, the Bible can be difficult to understand when we are presented with religious terminology, challenging concepts, and cultural differences. In those instances, practical examples and imagery play a vital role in unpacking theological truth that aids our spiritual growth and application of Scripture. In these verses, James uses a horse and ship to illustrate the importance of self-control as it relates to our tongue.

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James 3:2

The third chapter of James begins with a 12-verse emphasis on taming the tongue. As we previously learned in verse 1, pastoral teachers (and we as well) are held to a higher standard of judgment because of the responsibility that comes with conveying (via our words) and representing (via our actions) the authority of God's Word.

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James 3:1

This is an interesting passage. At first glance it would appear James is discouraging his brethren rather than encouraging, but nothing could be further from the truth. James is a shepherd tending to his flock of faithful brothers in Christ by looking out not only for their best interest, but that of the body of Christ as a whole.

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James 2:21-26

In our final installment of the faith/works discussion, James offers two Old Testament examples of works that provide evidence of faith. He could not have picked more polar opposite characters to reference, but that also should provide great encouragement to us as we reflect upon our own lives.

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James 2:15-17

James continues his discussion of the faith/works relationship with an example to illustrate his point. He magnifies the empty promises we make when we half-heartily apply Scripture, for what good is it to wish someone well but not practically help to fill a need? In other words, talk is cheap without backing it up with action!

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James 2:14

James begins a new initiative beginning in verse 14 that touches upon salvation and the relationship between faith and works. Specifically, James addresses one question in particular: How can you tell if a person is truly saved when he/she professes to be a Christian?

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James 2:13

As we have learned studying James, faith application of God's Word is paramount in producing fruit that publicly testifies to our identity in Christ. It defines who we are and points to God as the motivation for our behavior. Our application of Scripture cannot be emphasized enough in its importance to the survival of true, Biblical Christianity, but it must glorify God and not self.

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James 2:12

One of the greatest misconceptions concerning the Bible according to skeptics is that it limits free will. Moreover, proponents believe it is culturally irrelevant, narrow-minded, judgmental and restricting of all life has to offer. They view it metaphorically as a ball and chain, shackling us to standards that are archaic and not applicable to today's society.

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James 2:11

There is an ongoing spiritual battle between our flesh and the Spirit of the living God that dwells in the heart of every saved human being. This battle is extremely discreet, yet it has devastating effects that are glaring in the body of Christ. The battle exists on various levels, but two in particular warrant attention: hierarchies of sin and minimization.

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James 2:10

The common belief in secular culture is that we who are "saved by grace" Christ-followers (Ephesians 2:8-9) take the Bible very seriously. We are identified most notably to the public by one man (Jesus) and one book (the Bible), yet our unity and beliefs are severely questioned by skeptics. Why? James answers this question pointedly.

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James 2:8-9

Partiality within the body of Christ is intolerable, but what is even more concerning is the level of self-protection that fuels partiality. Self-protection is self-serving and caters to its own desires. It manipulates its environment in order to ensure that self is deemed most important, even if that requires making decisions that include showing favoritism.

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James 2:5-7

There are those who are financially poor, others that are spiritually poor, and still others that are relationally poor. Yet I wonder how we personally view those who are poor in all facets of the word? Do we distance ourselves or draw near? Do we regard them more or less? Or do we place different stigmas, assumptions or expectations on people who are financially poor more so than spiritually poor?

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