There are two types of slavery prevalent in the world today: Slavery that is forced and slavery that is chosen. Forced slavery or "modern-day" slavery is commonly recognized in our culture as human trafficking, but it encompasses much more.
Read MoreIn a culture fueled by visual stimulation through countless media outlets and forums, Matthew 6:22-23 is indeed an enormous pill to swallow. It is a tremendous platform to identify how the church of Jesus Christ is suffering mightily at gaining self-control over lust of the eyes.
Read MoreIf there was ever a summary verse that depicts the battle between good and evil, heaven and the world, it would be Matthew 6:19-21. The reference to "treasures on earth" speaks to the intoxication of worldly pleasures, while "treasures in heaven" points to spiritual blessings which have infinite, eternal value.
Read MoreThe Christmas story is full of intrigue, excitement and anticipation. When we think of Christmas, various images come to mind of Jesus, Mary and Joseph; angels, shepherds and wise men; and a stable manger, because there was no room at the inn. However, tucked within the pageantry on display and imagery we envision are raw emotions the characters must have been feeling in the moment.
Read MoreIf there is one spiritual discipline which has fallen out of fashion in the Christian church, it would be fasting. It is not that people struggle understanding what fasting is, but rather many possess a lack of trust that fasting produces a substantial benefit worth the effort.
Read MoreThe final piece of the Lord's Prayer is truly where the rubber meets the road for a Christian. Jesus began His teaching by calling out the do's and don'ts concerning how we should pray, then provided a complete example on what prayer should look like, and finished with a stern warning.
Read MoreThe Lord's Prayer is by far one of the most common passages in the entire Bible, and arguably one we gloss over more easily due to its familiarity. It is a tutorial on what to say and how to say it, when we find ourselves caught in the unfamiliarity and awkwardness of praying.
Read MorePrayer is an essential, spiritual discipline of the Christian faith, yet many of us struggle with how to pray. In truth, the problem lies more in "why" we pray than "how" we pray, or even "what" we pray about. We fail to maintain the prayer life we should have and aspire to because we lack understanding, for what good is it to have knowledge without application?
Read MoreGiving is a critical component within the foundation of faith we commit to as born-again Christians. Giving allows us the opportunity to share in the bounty of what God has graced us with, and the satisfaction of knowing we are doing something good for others.
Read MoreSimilar to His teaching on retaliation, Jesus expounds upon man's fleshly inclination to self-protect by charging him to step outside his comfort zone and do the unthinkable: Love thy enemy. In truth, we live predominately within a defined set of boundaries, strategically placed and positioned in our lives to guard and protect us.
Read MoreWith surgical precision Solomon pinpoints what hinders us most from enjoying peace and tranquility this side of heaven, which is our unwillingness to submit to God. Because if we cannot submit to any authority other than our flesh, we will never understand what it means to fear who God is because He is almighty, or obey His Word because He is holy and righteous.
Read MoreThe longer we live, the greater perspective God blesses us with. Experiential knowledge increases over time as we navigate through joys and triumphs, trials and tribulations. With each experience, God teaches us something new. Whether we choose to hold fast to wisdom or foolishness thereafter is another question altogether, but the seed is planted in our hearts and minds for future application.
Read MoreWe tend to forget that due to the daily hustle and bustle of our practical lives and lose focus of how our busyness distracts us from focusing on what is most important. Our attention is diverted toward a myriad of practical functions each day related to our marriages, families, employment, homes and hobbies that often pull us in conflicting directions. In each case, there is a cost associated with our time investment.
Read MoreInvesting wisely means diversifying our portfolio in order to protect the assets entrusted us by God and ensure we are producing the greatest dividends possible by adhering to sound financial principles. Spiritually-speaking, God calls us to weigh our decision-making by seeking first His kingdom and adhering to the truth of His Word.
Read MoreWhen we choose our words wisely, we win favor with others because we speak graciously. We implement discretion to filter out fleshly motivations that are inconsistent with God's Word. We carefully consider both the immediate and long-term impact of not only what we say but how we say it, so that we draw others unto Christ rather than drive them away based on our behavior.
Read MoreWisdom and folly impact the direction our hearts gravitate toward as well. Because wisdom and foolishness are polar opposites, they force us to make decisions each day which guide and direct our path. We are always presented with forks in the road regardless of our spiritual maturity or length of time as followers of Christ, but we have the choice to determine our final destination (right or left).
Read MoreThere are no guarantees in life! No matter how hard we try to shape the trajectory of our future by the decisions we make in the present, the fact remains that our knowledge is limited. We cannot predict our final hour, the manner in which we will pass from this life, nor the reasons behind God's decision to end our days here on earth.
Read MoreOpportunities will undoubtedly arise in our marriages to flee when conflict abounds and temptations to justify sin seem rational. But to those who persevere in the face of danger, infinite blessing awaits. The question is whether we will embrace the lot we have been given or turn away from the refiner's fire that purifies our hearts and allows us to love our spouses as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up unto death for His bride.
Read MoreAssuming we knew what day would be our last, how would we choose to live? Would we take more risks? Would we live with purpose? Who or what would we prioritize with our time? Would our lives be marked by foolishness and irresponsibility or wisdom and diligence?
Read MoreThere is an infatuation within our culture today that manifests itself by the desire to KNOW. Our flesh longs to have answers to all of life's questions and our culture is overwhelmingly flooded with desperate attempts to educate man with scientific and philosophical knowledge, opinions and perspectives, all the while distancing itself from the absolute truth of Scripture. Why?
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