Posts tagged James 5
James 5:19-20

Our faith in Jesus Christ is the wellspring of our motivation, for what we do and say originate from hearts that are in tune with the Holy Spirit who resides within us. We simply cannot escape the fact that when we admit we are sinners, repent for our mistakes, and place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives, our eternal salvation is secure and our identity permanently changed.

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James 5:17-18

In many ways, the prayer of faith James describes can feel extremely daunting to those of us who struggle with the reality that no matter how hard we try to live for righteousness, we continue to fall into our addictive patterns of sin. It magnifies the fact that our ability to overcome temptation is not dependent on the strength of our own will, but the power of the Spirit who dwells in us.

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James 5:16

Just as forgiveness in many ways is the linchpin to our prayer life, confession is the catalyst of repentance which brings forgiveness to fruition. Confession is multifaceted and requires a honest and realistic personal assessment of how far we have fallen from the throne of grace. It is invaluable to our personal relationship with Christ and impossible to undervalue in Scripture.

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James 5:15

At times when a verse is singled out by itself, the translation can be lost because the overall context is missing. However, after reflecting on the need for a Biblical foundation of faith in verses 13-14, James now completes his thought and offers comfort and encouragement to those who not only pray to God in times of need, but believe He is mighty and able to answer their prayers.

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James 5:13-14

Undoubtedly, there are moments in our lives when we experience trials and triumphs. We transition through various seasons of life in which our faith (or lack thereof) is tested to varying degrees through hardship and prosperity. It is in those moments when temptation looms dangerously close to our hearts with questions that flood our minds.

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James 5:12

James 5:12 is perhaps one of the more peculiar Scripture passages James wrote because of its placement within chapter 5 of his letter. It falls between sectional headings of "patience in suffering" and "the prayer of faith" which should help discern its meaning, yet on the surface it doesn't seem to fit. One could propose that it bridges these two paragraphs, maintaining a pattern of consistency and flow of thought from James to his readers.

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James 5:9

Frustration comes to us all at times. When life appears to have dealt us a lousy hand, we tend to compare our lives with others and covet their prosperity. When calamity strikes with pain and suffering, we question God's sovereignty and whether He truly loves us. When persecution strikes a heavy blow against our psyche for defending God's Word, we begin to calculate whether silence is a better option than speaking truth in love.

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