Posts tagged Favorites
Song of Solomon 4:7 (Affirmation)

Failing to affirm your wife is simply cancerous to a marriage because the enemy will exploit her insecurities and cause her to adopt a negative self-perception of herself. Consequently, once seeds of doubt begin to take root in her mind, it is difficult to convince her heart otherwise if the only opportunity you take to affirm her is erratic, rare or indifferent.

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Ephesians 4:31-32 (Counseling)

Marriage can be an incredible journey of faith, full of joy and infinite blessings. But for many of us, our marriages feel like a never-ending desert—dry and barren with little resources to live off of. Coupled with scorching heat during the day and bone-chilling cold at night, the desert is actually an ironic metaphor for the emotional and psychological extremes we long to escape from.

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